Puppy School

Details of the Puppy School course

Owners of new puppies are encouraged to start the puppy school as soon as possible preferably between the ages of 9 to 12 weeks. This is important as the learning curve of young puppies changes dramatically at around 5 to 6 months, research has shown that puppies that are not socialised appropriately before this can be adversely effected. The puppy school has been designed to be fun and informative operating in a safe environment enabling the training to have maximum effect. We feel that the puppy school is very important because it helps you the owner to establish a relationship with the puppy based on mutual respect and a better understanding of each other, with this most owners will obtain their goal of having a happy well behaved dog and one that is a pleasure to have around.

With Over 18 years of experience we have found that a course consisting of 6 one hour sessions to be the most effective.

These courses are held on a SAT and SUN @ 9.00am.

With puppy school having higher staffing levels we can start new puppies every week thus avoiding the wait for the start of a new course, this is very important because we need to socialise the puppy at the age where we will be most successful.

What the sessions cover

What we are achieving at the puppy school is the foundation for having a happy well behaved adult dog. We are very aware that training needs to be fun and so there is an emphasis on games and toys with all new puppy owners encouraged to bring their dog’s favourite toy, even if it is your now dead slipper! There is also great emphasis placed on how important it is for the puppy to learn to like being handled all over. If your dog does not like being handled then it is more difficult to give veterinary care or even groom the dog.

We would also encourage all members of the family to attend the course as we feel it is important that every one is consistent with the puppy and its training! The course is a combination of theory and practical all aimed at achieving the aims of the puppy school out lined below.

Who this is designed for


All this and more! Included is your starter pack. This contains all course work and information about how to have a happy well-behaved dog. It also includes many important tips on house training, transporting your dog, training recalls and many more points as to the welfare of your dog. On completion of the puppy school course you and your dog will be invited to the next level, the novice dog course. We are currently teaching over 300 people a week to train their dogs and as such demand for places in all courses is high, we would recommend that you book your place to guarantee the time and day of your choice. Better still talk to us for free, informal, professional advice before you even get your puppy. This would help for a smoother transitional period in the first few days of having puppy home!

Price £130